Monday, January 18, 2010

Clay's First year of Football

2009 was Clayton's first year playing football. It was fun to watch how much his team and him progress into such a great team and he became the MVP.

Big # 60

At first he was mad that league rules did not allow him to be quarter back or carry the ball due to his size. ( for the saftey of the littler kids) He soon learn how fun it was to take out the ball carriers and quarter backs. So he felt justified in the end

He also loved the hard work.
Yes mom plenty of fluids

First game

Second to last game. If I remember right they only lost two games.

2009 Family food storage

As a family that lives in rural Idaho We keep the tradition of hunting for the majority of our meat for the year. With the exception of some lost photo's of Jennifer's and Hailey's deer, and no Elk meat for the first time in 9 years this is how our 2009 hunt turned out.

We spend the summer keeping our shooting skills up to par.

Cassidy's First deer

Better photo after unloading the deer

The girls are very they compare the size of each others deer

Even though we only live 15-30 minutes away from hunting In three years I don't think we have ever returned home before dark.

Yes my deer was the smallest of the year..but in my defence I took the young buck with a bow at 56 yards.

We really need to put up a real meat pole this year!